Leadership & Staff


Steve Murray

Born in upstate New York, baptized Roman Catholic as a baby and raised in the Episcopal Church we moved around the Northeast and eventually arrived in California in 1965 when I was nine. We moved to the Sacramento area where I finished high school and did two years of junior college. It was there, after my mother had spent some time listening to a Jehovah's Witness friend that we investigated Fairoaks Presbyterian Church and each, in our time, came to a saving knowledge of Jesus. I attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa where I obtained my bachelors, masters, and medical degrees - met and married Karen and had our first child.

We went to San Francisco for surgery residency training, during which time we had two more children and were sent to Germany for three years where I was a General Surgeon in the army and we had our fourth child. We returned to San Francisco in 1992 where I did my Vascular Surgery fellowship at UCSF. From San Francisco we were sent to San Antonio for three years and attended a Presbyterian Church of America congregation and learned a large portion of what we know of the faith today. We decided to leave the army after 13 years and moved the family to Spokane Washington where I began the private practice of vascular surgery, completing that career at the end of 2021.

I have been an elder for two previous tenures beginning sometime in the early 2000’s.

Andrew Marsteller, Associate Pastor (Youth)

I am originally from Ohio and moved to Spokane to study Biblical Exposition at Moody Bible Institute. I met my beautiful wife Camille my third day at Moody and we became instant best friends. After years of immaturity I finally grew up and dated her, and the rest is history. We have two beautiful children Asa and Vera. Asa is a social butterfly and loves Marvel, basketball, and wrestling. Vera is not as social, but will become your best friend instantly, just like her mom, she loves baby dolls, dancing, and cuddling with her daddy. I have been the Youth Pastor at CTR since 2015 and have loved serving the Lord, youth, and the families at CTR. What I love doing in my spare time, which greatly over laps with Youth ministry, is playing basketball, reading, wrestling with my son, and playing dolls with my daughter. Some more interesting things about Andrew:

  • I love rooting for The Ohio State Buckeyes

  • My favorite sport is basketball

  • My favorite book is The Art of Self Forgetfulness by Timothy Keller

  • I didn’t read Chronicles of Narnia or The Lord of the Rings until after I graduated Moody.

  • I have a guilty love for teenage pop music

  • I am a fan boy of LeBron James

  • And I was once the guest Chaplin for the UCLA Bruins football team

John Dierdorff

John was born and raised in eastern Oregon before moving to Spokane to complete his studies at Whitworth College. At Whitworth John began his journey as a follower of Jesus Christ and somehow managed to get an accounting degree along the way. John is married to his lovely wife Kristin and together they have been blessed with five wonderful kids: David, Hannah, Phoebe, Ruthie and Danny. Besides serving as an elder, John is honored to serve the congregation as a member of the CTR Care Team. John works in Spokane as a Certified Public Accountant helping people with taxation and business matters. In his spare time John enjoys hiking, camping, learning banjo and perfecting dad jokes.

Jae Choi, Associate Pastor

Born in South Korea, Jae moved with his family to Spokane when he was seven years old. He immediately fell in love with this city, and although he’s spent a few years away (for work and school) he’s always managed to find his way back. Jae has been a part of Christ the Redeemer Church since 2003 and prior to entering the pastorate, he spent over a decade working in IT, primarily as a web developer. After sensing a call to full-time ministry, he attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Hamilton), graduating in 2018 with MA’s in Old Testament and New Testament. He’s incredibly grateful to have entered the pastorate at his longtime home church. Jae enjoys spending time with his wife Rubie and their four children, reading, listening to music, tinkering with electronics, and exploring the great outdoors.

Mark Klein

Mark grew up on a farm about 30 miles west of Spokane near Edwall, where he appreciated having a strong heritage of Christian roots. He committed his life to the Lord Jesus at the age of 10 at a church summer camp. His passion for both music and sports created a dilemma of what to pursue in college but ended up studying music at Seattle Pacific University. There he met Jan whom he married in 1977. They moved back to the farm in 1980 where they have lived and worked since. They raised 7 children together and so far, have 11 grandchildren. 

Mark served many years in church lay leadership-especially in worship and music (including directing choirs and ensembles). In the summer of 2013, he and Jan and their youngest daughter Nina started attending CTR. They have fully appreciated the Christ centered preaching and teaching and the multi-generational and family-oriented culture of the church and feels honored to be called to serve now as an Elder. 

Carey Hughes, Senior Pastor

Carey spent the first ten years of his life cruising around southern California on his Schwinn Stingray in his O.P. shorts and Vans, collecting cans to trade-in for Slurpee money. In 1979 his family moved to Wheaton, Illinois where he entered the fifth grade at Longfellow Elementary and met a cute little blond named Tricia on the playground and fell madly in love. They were soon married (16 years later) and they now have 10 kids. In 1999 after getting a teaching degree from Columbia Bible College and a Masters in Theology from Moore Theological Seminary he and his family moved to Spokane to be involved with a small church plant called Christ The Redeemer. He has now served at the church for the past 13 years as Youth Pastor, Family Pastor and presently as the Senior Pastor. Carey likes to spend his extra time attending his children’s many sporting activities, restoring vintage items, and warming the bench on the church indoor soccer team.


Steve Rowlett

Bio Coming Soon.

Grant Pemberton

Bio Coming Soon.


Robin Einerson, Administrative Director

Robin has the privilege to serve on CTR’s staff in various capacities (admin & pastoral care) since the beginning of the church. She and her husband Tom Bowman moved to Spokane in the mid 80’s after graduating from the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland OR. They have two daughters who currently reside in heaven. She has a desire to share & comfort with Christ’s sufficiency those who are suffering. She is grateful to be able to hike mountains & beaches, travel, read & craft words, do ‘art’ and PRAY.

Darlene Rooney, Receptionist

Darlene is a native Spokanite, mother of 5, and grandmother of 7. She came to know Christ as her Lord and Savior in 1972, as did her late husband, Pat. They were married for 41 years before he was lovingly called to his eternal home with Christ. She has been a CTR church member for 10 years, serving for many of those years in the church office as an administrative assistant. She greatly appreciates the love and care she and her family have been shown through the body of Christ at CTR, as well as, the sound teaching and ministering of the Word of God.